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  • TEASER: An edit can make or break a film. It gets put up on the screen for all to see, shortly after the competition ends, but the amount of cigarettes smoked and the gray hairs that sprout out while editing

Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Is How We Say Hello And The Name Of Our I48 Team.

A lot of firsts this time around. Betaswitch and Video Velocity don't do I48s, due to the stress and the time crunch. We love to take our time when we do film. The writing, the pre-production, and the editing.

An edit can make or break a film. It gets put up on the screen for all to see, shortly after the competition ends, but the amount of cigarettes smoked and the gray hairs that sprout out while editing must be worth it.

However, we did it and I won't live to be a hundred years old, now. With better planning, I would have gotten it the way I wanted. Not saying that what we put on screen we weren't proud of. If I weren't proud of it, the team would have been pulled from the competition. We always go all the way to the finish line.

Father's Day Shoot

What a day to pick up all the shots and complete the actual vision of the short film, Cupcake The Kelpie. You can see it by clicking HERE. Movie shoots, sprinkled with movie magic like filming on holidays are how experiences stick with us—a memorable day.

My son, Braxton, gets to see his father in action. I want to teach him that; no matter what the challenge is or the criticism. You deliver the product. You don't ever want to waste anybody's time or most importantly, your time. It is the most valuable asset you have to offer and use. Spend it wisely and you'll have changed the world. Yours and others.

Another Competition

As I said before, there are a lot of firsts this year. We'll be having our team participate in the  13 Stories Competition at the Idaho Penitentiary. Where they assign you an inmate. Samuel Hatton. Written and Directed by Jorge Joseph Harrington.

We'll be filming the promotion for the feature film, Bread & Water. We're doing the same thing for, Cupcake The Kelpie. You can find the link for that here.

We appreciate all your time and help.


Jorge Joseph Harrington





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