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Abc Professionals, LLC.
Your Partner for Success

a Media Project Holding Company

  • Funding

    Funding is at the heart of every successful venture.  We create, host and sponsor projects.


  • Project Support

    Whether your project is a film or a humanitarian project we work with you from start to completion to achieve the success you desire.


  • Crew & Staffing Services

    Having the right crew for your project can be the difference between success or failure.  We provide crew worldwide.


  • Full Service Production

    You have an idea but you need crew, equipment and the means to achieve your goals.  We provide full-production services.


People are the heart and soul of every successful venture.

The people you put on your team make the difference.  Having the right people can catapult you into realms your project demands.  Together we help you succeed.  This starts with teamwork.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Why You Should Choose Us

Established in 1982 we've brought hundreds of projects to fruition.

Our Current Projects

Since 1982

Get a Personal Consultation

Schedule a time to share your projects with us. Let's see if they're a good fit as a team together.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at sem ut ipsum vestibulum euismod. Mauris et massa porta leo facilisis feugiat. Suspendisse id neque a sem facilisis blandit. Aliquam sem leo, commodo ut, rutrum auctor, iaculis nec, eros.

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H2 Heading

Nullam eget neque. Nullam imperdiet venenatis ligula. Integer a leo. Nunc consectetur. Maecenas sem. Proin vulputate, massa vel volutpat laoreet, purus erat pretium ligula, eget varius arcu nibh sed libero. Fusce ante. Nullam interdum aliquet metus. Ut ultrices vestibulum tellus. Praesent quis erat.

H3 Heading

In erat. Pellentesque erat. Mauris vehicula vestibulum justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla pulvinar est. Integer urna. Pellentesque pulvinar dui a magna. Nulla facilisi.

<p class="alert alert-error"></p>

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Praesent id dolor non erat viverra volutpat. Fusce tellus libero, luctus adipiscing, tincidunt vel, egestas vitae, eros. Vestibulum mollis, est id rhoncus volutpat, dolor velit tincidunt neque, vitae pellentesque ante sem eu nisl.

Donec facilisis, magna eget elementum pellentesque, augue arcu aliquet eros, eget convallis mauris ante quis magna.

button button-grey button button-grey button-large

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean et libero. Nam aliquam. Quisque vitae tortor id neque dignissim laoreet.

H4 Heading

Mauris lobortis. Aliquam lacinia purus. Pellentesque magna. Mauris euismod metus nec tortor. Phasellus elementum, quam a <code></code> imperdiet, ligula felis faucibus enim, eu malesuada nunc felis sed turpis. Morbi convallis luctus tortor. Integer bibendum lacinia velit. Suspendisse mi lorem, porttitor ut, interdum et, lobortis a, lectus.

<p class="alert alert-success"></p>

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Duis eu ante. Integer at sapien. Praesent sed nisl tempor est pulvinar tristique. Maecenas non lorem quis mi laoreet adipiscing.

<blockquote> <p><cite title=""></cite></small> </blockquote>

Someone famous Source Title
H5 Heading

Vestibulum mollis, est id rhoncus volutpat, dolor velit tincidunt neque, vitae pellentesque ante sem eu nisl. Donec facilisis, magna eget elementum pellentesque.

<p class="alert alert-info"></p>

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Donec facilisis, magna eget elementum pellentesque, augue arcu aliquet eros, eget convallis mauris ante quis magna.

<p>Sample text here…</p>

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H6 Heading

Nam id turpis sit amet neque cursus luctus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque id tortor. In vitae sapien. Nunc quis tellus.

<p class="alert alert-warning"></p>

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  • Hits: 1049